
Our Vision.

The tag-line for the Maldent Project is ‘Oral Health for All’. A key component of our overall vision is the development of an expanded team of dental professionals who will operate as an integrated workforce to improve the currently inadequate access of most Malawian citizens to any forms of oral healthcare.

Establishing a Bachelor of Dental Surgery course at the Kamuzu University of Health Sciences will allow Malawi, for the first time ever, to train its own cadre of dental surgeons. 

For significant numbers of students in Malawi, the expense of their tuition fees, together with accommodation and subsistence costs, present a considerable challenge and potential barrier to their studies.

Our vision is that any young Malawian who has the abilities required to join the Bachelor of Dental Surgery course at the Kamuzu University of Health Sciences should not be prevented from doing so on the sole grounds of inadequate financial resources. MalDent Student Aid has been designed to support those selected for the programme but for whom the financial reserves necessary are not readily available.

Jeremy Bagg
Principal Trustee, MalDent Student Aid

Supporting the training of dentists who are globally competent and locally relevant
— Dr Mwapatsa Mipando, Kamuzu University of Health Sciences